Manifesting Your Dreams And Goal by Calvin Harris, H. W., M.

Manifesting Your Dreams and Goals

If you are not manifesting your dreams and goals, it could be because of your weekly ritual or what some call Habits that are not allowing for it.

I would like to call your  attention to two ideas that can change everything about getting results:

1). We want to go beyond your ideas on achievement, to look at the quality of your Actions that are used to bring about your goals and achievements.  


2)  More important than the ‘action’ is having an open, mentally fertile environment with others to allow for creativity and critical thinking to take place.  If you are in a state of mental isolation, your ability to take action can be hampered or killed.

We all, at one time or another, have been hampered, felt overwhelmed and unfocused, or have procrastinated over our best and boldest ideas, letting them fall by the wayside.

If you find yourself in this state,  stop beating yourself up over it and instead, look to the cause and perhaps a solution.

You see, it may be in your programing, in how you approach a situation, it may be in the way you have always done things in the past;  Projects you just jumped into; projects handled pretty much unconsciously, automatically processing them the same way you have done for decades. This type of action has been called working from your monkey mind, or on automatic pilot, or your habitual way of getting something done.

This is unconscious programming, which repeats within you, and determines how you focus, execute, and achieve projects, goals, and dreams.

If the aim for results do not appear,  and it occurs time and again, this means many of us are wasting time, energy, and money on what we think is our goals but turns out to be busywork that leads us away from our goals or buries us in a “paralysis of analysis”  or the chasing of bright shiny objects.

Then at some point, we must become conscious of our situation and say, “I have had enough.”

You may come to the discovery of needing to be supported and being accountable.

You may begin to seek help. It may be in the form of taking a class;   attending a group; or seeking a Mentor or Life Coach to work with.  Hey, these things can start to turn things around for you.


Working with others can allow you to break the chains of mental isolation.   Consciously tapping into your creative genius that allows you freedom from the cycles of mediocrity, and allows you to love what you are producing.

Yes, it may take a personal trainer, life coach, or mentor to get you the support and accountability you need.

That enables you to become more conscious of your goals and planning; To steer you in the direction you want to go, and to maintain the progress you want to achieve. This happens through regular check-ins, being held accountable, and having the support to keep you focused and on track.

The bottom line is that you want to reconstruct Conscious Intention over Automatic Habit Responses, informing new habits that consistently turn your dreams, ideas, goals into visible concrete results.

Contact me for a discussion about your needs.

