The Year 2023 Is On the Move! Are You? by Calvin Harris H.W.,M.

Movement is an interesting word.

Since 2005 my own personal mission has been to extend to others the developmental tools to seek the truth of their self,  and then for them to have the courage to think and act in alignment with that truth.

This is an ever-unfolding path. And in that movement, sometimes old patterns resurface to take over.

In my experience, many people go along with the energy they’ve always had because it feels ‘normal’ for them, even though that particular energy causes stress, conflict and keeps them from true happiness.

Remember there’s a difference between normal and natural.

Essentially, your personal development means looking at your life and recognizing patterns that cause you stress.

Maybe it’s that constant self-doubt, or that overanxious mind, or that constant negative self-talk or even needing that sweet treat after every meal. Your patterns are unique to you.

Whatever the patterns, and how that energy is made to flow, it can be transformed. A change of habit pattern, and thus energy flow, starts with recognizing them for what they are: “ways of doing things based on habits, beliefs and identity.”  Then you can make a conscious choice to create new patterns, new beliefs, a new identity and therefore a new reality for yourself.  

Transforming patterns can happen by combining new or different perspectives from ideas coming from the past  and future. It could happen from ideas coming from different cultures that you combine for use in the development of  innovative ideas for yourself.


James Altucher,  a founder and cofounder of over 20 companies, an American author, podcaster, and investment entrepreneur, suggests that to change patterns in your life you must start with connecting to the idea’s you have within yourself. You want to start by writing down ten random ideas a day. You will use those ideas to be exercises to build your idea muscle, that muscle will give you ways to incorporate within your daily routines, so that over time it will pay off with significant change within your life.


What I found interesting were the three heading types for lists  that Altucher  suggested for you to use to get your ideas flowing:

 1. Combine two IDEAS on SEX to come up with a better idea.

 2. OLD TO NEW: Write out ten old ideas that you can make new.

 3. RIDICULOUS: Write out 10 ridiculous things you would invent.

The practice of these lists will connect you in a fun way with concepts about yourself of which you may not have been aware.  

The practice of these lists can give indications to new patterns of thought and action which you can take to bring success into your life, and maybe a chance for you to fall in love with exploring your truth.

·        Be willing to get vulnerable and uncomfortable.

·        Seek your fullest expression.

·        Seek the truth of who you really are.

When you have a chance, drop me a line and let me know how its going.


2022 December Holiday Message - by Calvin Harris H.W.,M.


Happy Holidays in a month of celebration. Whether you celebrate Winter Solstice, Bodhi Day, Hannukah, Festivus, Christmas, Kwanza – one or all of them.  This is a time to celebrate with family and friends. A time we can look back at the year in review and see a job well done, as we take the time to remember the good in our life.

The holidays can be a stressful time, trying to meet the deadlines of social obligations of family, friends, and clients. For others, it is a tough time when the one’s you love cannot be here to share them. And for still others, they are facing loss of a loved one or loss in relationship.

At times like these, during this season, things can seem too complicated, I want you to STOP just for a few moments to do this  simple gesture -  Breathe.

If you can  make time, try maybe doing just this one additional step, each day during the  season and write down ( for no more than 5 minutes) your thoughts on just one of these words each day. This may help ease the distress or enrich your experience of the season:

•       Happiness

•       Gratitude

•       Joy

•       Peace

•       Rejoice

•       Prosperity

•       Success

•       Hope

•       Love

With these words, you can enhance  the holiday tone of your holiday experience.

I am encouraged and grateful  for your continued readership with the Site of Contact Blogs, and for being a part of what makes a better life and your better world.


I thank you for your trust and patronage,  I am sending to you

Wishes of Peace, Blessings, and the Joy of the Season



Becoming A Successful Entrepreneur by Calvin Harris H.W., M.

Becoming A Successful Entrepreneur


It is often asked by novices what is the one ingredient, tool, rule, key [or you fill in the blank] that will allow me to become a successful entrepreneur?

Sorry to disappoint, but there is no one tool, ingredient, rule, key, or anything else that will allow you to become a successful entrepreneur. For like a good meal, such as a good soup, it takes many ingredients in the right amount, added at the right time, to produce a successful soup; so is it with creating a successful entrepreneur.


Yet like water, found in all soups, to make the broth, there is an essential ingredient that you must have to drive success. That key attribute and operating principle that has been seen time and time again in successful entrepreneur stories; that causes the difference between successful entrepreneurs and those trying to be successful, is the ability to handle uncertainty.

Successful American businesswoman, Marissa Ann Mayer, an information tech executive and co-founder of Sunshine Contact, has a quote that illustrates this idea when she says  “I always did something I was a little not ready to do. I think that’s how you grow. When there’s that moment of ‘Wow, I’m not really sure I can do this,’ and you push through those moments, that’s when you have a breakthrough.”

Another quote I quite like is Tony Robbins,  when he says:

"The quality of your life is in direct proportion to the amount of uncertainty we can comfortably live with."

So, I want you to think, are you an entrepreneur who is wanting to  live without taking a risk?  The tentative result seeker?  🤔


But  here’s the thing…


The challenge in Life is for  you to embrace opportunities in life.  Success is not hoping  that success will come to you a little bit at a time, but you have to decide to take action to go for it.


Ask yourself if you have the aspirations of starting a new business in 2023?


Are you wanting to reignite  passion, excitement, and joy into your existing business to make it a success in 2023?


Then Do It! 


If you would like to talk over or flush out your plans with someone, contact me, and let’s talk.


From my heart to yours,



Texting Is Not Efficient

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TEXTING May Not Be What it is Cracked Up To Be

By Calvin Harris H.W., M.


I know what an odd subject for me to be writing on, since I am a person that does not like to text, nor normally use that form of communication when there is any way around it.


How I have come to write a blog on the subject is because of the numerous comments directed towards me regarding texting, and then one of you, my dear readers, has requested me to write something on the subject.


I accept the challenge.


Let me start by pointing out the obvious.

Texting makes it hard to distinguish the tone of the conversation, making all communication much less formal and can even make genuine statements seem insincere. Also, Texting, by its very nature, encourages—poor grammar habits, (As If mine aren’t bad enough).

Here are some of the problems with texting:

1.  Because I enjoy face to face conversations,  texting as well as other forms of written  messaging cannot accurately convey oral speech tone, emotion, eye contact, facial expressions, or body language. That means without them, a message is more likely to be misinterpreted or misunderstood. The real meaning of your message can be lost through the medium.


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2.  Humans, I feel, are simply not wired for constant digital communication. Texting is having a negative effect on interpersonal development among young people. When people communicate primarily via text, they're much less likely to have meaningful spoken conversations.


3.  Students who text regularly, using adaptations of words such as "u" for "you" and "r" for "are", tend to have trouble with grammar and spelling.


4.  Text speak encourages greater misuse of words/symbols denoting the same sound or group of sounds as standard words(homophones), they are seen as abbreviations, such as "gr8" for "great" or "h8" for "hate," or, they negatively impact correct word use, such as  not being able to tell "there" from "their."


5.  All too often, relationships go sour due to miscommunication via text as well as through email messages. To keep this from happening, simply avoid using these mediums and rather have important conversations through a more preferred communication medium, such as face-to-face conversations or over the phone.


6.  Texting and using abbreviations for words means that we are avoiding the traditional face-to-face conversations that are vital in forming deep personal relationships and better business practices.


7.  More than two-thirds of users never experience an hour of uninterrupted concentration to their day or workflow. If a text stream begins, interruptions can happen as often as every 6 minutes.


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8.  For business users, average time spent in text volleys can easily reach 150 or more text messages per day.


Being a bit older than 20-something, and being a busy person with personal life and business matters to attend to, I find that many texts that I have received make no sense to me, or even may have been designed for someone else; thus, what appears in the box are mistakes. The Message may have been hurriedly written or the “send to” button hurriedly selected while the sender was on the go.


You do not have to Admit it to me but maybe you, yourself, are guilty of distractedly dashing off the occasional friend’s text message—or, worse a worktext—that didn’t make sense to the receiver. Maybe it was because of habit, or you were in a rush, or you were busy or thinking about something else.


  Text with the speed at which they can be sent can end up in interesting places and unintended hands if attention is not paid to your intended receiver address.


In hindsight, it’s a little awkward that you sent a text to your boss saying, “Did 50 squats Pizza tonight and hang- ten emoji” while sending your partner or best friend the text: “Chart shows we need to level-up our expectations.” And yes, this scenario can get a tad more stressful when your boss misinterpreted your well-intended “hang loose” emoji to mean for him to “call you.”



This most often happens when you’re texting on the go, via a mobile device, and you are short on time and you want to economize on the number of words used. This can lead to all manner of communication gaffes and embarrassing blunders, as well as much time wasted in back–and–forth text exchanges.


Mercifully, I offer these suggestions to help you avoid some of these most common blunders.


Keep your text short—but not too short!

I know speed requires your messages to be short and to the point. Yes, it’s a good thing to be direct and on point. Yet Be Wary of making this behavior a habit, for often this leads your writing to become curt, choppy messages that have you coming off with tones of being brusque, aloof, or insensitive.


In your business, and sometimes personal texting, consider that brevity and abbreviation can be over - the - top. For example, to use “HIC” when you mean “here I come” (as in “you’re on your way”), but then your audience text back to you, asking for clarification about your hiccups. Then an additional text of explanation is needed, and you have saved yourself no time at all.


Before starting a text, I suggest taking a breath, and trying to formulate answers to these questions; where, what,  why, when, and who questions, which allows you to see how you’re likely to come across in your text before you hit send.


The Who question is important because it means you are double-checking the “to” field, especially when using your phone. For important texts, you might even consider waiting to fill in an address until you’re satisfied with the draft, just to make certain it won’t go out prematurely.


Take a breath to remember your audience.

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Many of us, though, struggle to shift gears as we toggle back and forth between professional correspondences and with friends’ banter, wise-cracks, and jest. Be mindful too of workplace jargon and slang that would not belong in an important  text. You probably want to avoid telling the boss that your  best client is “dope.”


Mind your tone -

Your Text messages should  convey a lot more than only their words, so it’s critical to strike the right tone. You want to sound confident but not forceful with your boss; and reassuring with a client whose package is overdue. You want to sound appreciative and admiring of the life coach who helped you earn the 10k bonus but appreciative, while not too effusive, toward Mark in accounting who compiled your tax forms.


In the final analysis, I believe we want clarity in our communication. We need to develop clear processes–not fast haphazard messaging–as a way to define how tasks are identified, assigned, and reviewed. I think a new way to process communication is needed. With thought and practice, I believe something new will come along  that will help you put down the phone and other devices. That will help you worry less about overly casual texts as an answer to your colleague’s questions while you are out walking the dog; or being too formal in addressing a new love interest for a date, while you are rushing off a text, just before a business board meeting is to begin.


A way to detach you from text devices as a body appendage must be found, and that will allow you to be a conscious participant in a more fully formed life.


By all means, start to create a habit of  putting the devices away for at least one hour a day, to allow you to winddown, reset, breathe. To have a place where your devices can stop asking “Are You A Robot?” Maybe you could even have a face-to-face conversation with someone.


Try it, you might like it!



Success: A Matter Of Perspective by Calvin Harris H.W., M

Success; A Matter Of Perspective

You are well on your way to going where you are going.  In the spirit of your journey, I invited you to smile, feel those face muscles lift, notice how a smile can make you feel good, maybe even happy. Somebody might even say they like your smile. This is because our emotions and the things we perceive happening around us are inter-connected. One will always affect the other.

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You smile because you are happy, and you can turn that around and say You're happy because you smile.


If it's true for your smile, it's also true for other aspects of your life.


People can feel successful and that can be because of many reasons. The point is they feel successful, and not only when they achieve success.

To put it another way -

People’s success is achieved BECAUSE they feel successful. Because they can feel it, in their gut, that is how their life will be. They refuse to entertain any other possibility.



'Success', of course can mean whatever you define it to mean. It could be defined as your career or business, it could be defined as in your relationship, or your health and fitness, it could be defined as your hobby or sport, you get to choose.


Just know as you wake up each morning to put a smile on your face KNOWING that visceral feeling that you are successful. Be grateful for what is in your life and also that unpredictable good that is just around the corner for you. BE now, in your grand vision.


Your Life Coach


Thank You




We’d like to take this opportunity to wish you and your family a happy and Prosperous Year to come!


We’d also like to express our gratitude to you for being such an outstanding supporter of and our blogs. We genuinely appreciate your readership, loyalty & Friendship.


In the coming year, we will keep you posted

With events, podcast, and blog post, that we hope

Will Energize, Vitalize, and Empower You


Season’s Greetings

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Moving Past New Year's Resolutions And Achieving Goals By Calvin Harris H. W., M.



We are in the Holiday Season, soon to have proclaimed the New Year.  What has been interesting about this year and The Covid-19 pandemic has been a windfall for many people.

It seems that for most of this year people have had the opportunity to indulge in retrospection and reevaluating of some of their life choices while in Covid-19 pandemic quarantine.  Retrospection and reevaluation type activities in the past had been reserved usually, for one day only,  the New Year’s Resolutions Day!


Of course, 80% of those New Year’s Resolutions had Failed by February.

What we find unique about this year, is due to Covid-19, we have had the ability to stay with those resolutions long enough to have some of them transformed into goals.  

The elusive New Year’s resolution this year as it were, has gone under the microscope, giving you a chance to realistically make a resolution into a goal. To give yourself time and room to formulate those resolutions from ideas into a plan. Let’s now talk about putting those ideas, those resolutions into ACTION in the coming year.


1. You Will Need To Decide And Commit To Making A Change

To have a New Year’s Resolution turn into a Goal does not come easy. You must be willing to change an aspect of your lifestyle that makes way for your Goal to be achieved. You will need a decision from yourself to change your mindset in order to  create a true change, and then a commitment to making it happen.


2. Make A Record Of  What You Want

There is a need to pay attention to your actions in pursuit of your Goals. Success of a Goal is more likely if you track your actions rather than merely resolving to change a behavior, by writing down your goal on paper or in a journal, because that physical act of writing something down in a notebook can help you keep focused on your Goal.


3. Clarify Why You Want this Goal

Your resolution, turned goal, might be about going into business for yourself, but why? Do you want more independence in your field? Getting crystal clear on what you want and having then documented it, is the best way to commit to making it happen, to achieving your goals. You will want to hone in on your goal once you have seen it in front of you. To clarify your reasoning for it - is it that you want more autonomy in how you do your work or spend your time, or want to make more money so you can better provide for yourself, or is it to achieve independence and financial freedom?

Understand that in your clarifying step you are not just dealing with your short-term results, but what is the true purpose of your goal. 

With that understanding of your Goals, you will have the courage to find a way to achieve it – even when things get challenging, you will be able to  make the incremental changes that cumulate in achieving your goal


4. Creating Certainty In Taking Action

You want to be strategic in your goal settings and actions because what you are really doing is identifying old or inoperable, or non-performing methods that you are operating  from (call them Habits), and you are going  to replace them with more attractive, satisfying, and effective methods of  doing things. That’s the key to success: to go from poor, underperforming habit systems to something that is incrementally achievable through dedication of conscious fly effort steps, that in the steps you build an ease in doing them; You must build into your plan some kind of recognizable enjoyment or pleasure by using the new process to make your change almost effortless. Your  strategic action plan must contain these features in both their immediate outcome and then found within your desired ultimate outcome or change. Author James Clears in his book “Atomic Habits” talks more about this subject of  how to build Good Habits & Break Bad Ones.  

What I am suggesting is that in  your mind, you prepare yourself so that you have no choice but to succeed – if achieving your goal becomes an absolute must – then you’ll be ready with the steps to do what it takes to get there, allowing for your excuses to go out the window.


5. Measure Your Progress

From Resolutions to goal to habit, to operating systems embodied in new forms of habits that provide  incremental achievable measured success, will require of you to sit down and prepare a list of important lifestyle changes you want to make and then tracking this progress is going to be key to success (I suggest a Personal Journal). For example, If your resolution is to be healthier, how will you measure it? Is it making a grocery list, buying the food, and preparing  a certain number of meals at home each week instead of buying prepackaged foods? Is it walking a block, then a mile, then three miles every day? A reasonable timeline for your goals progress must be set and adjusted, to measure your progress along the way.


6. Keep Going

Know that moving forward on your quest you will have challenges. You will need perseverance, especially in the beginning when faced with a setback, or if you feel that you’ve failed completely; my advice is to go deep within (if need be, reach out for support), but don’t give up. Keep Going  and ask yourself, What will it cost me if I don’t accomplish this goal? Will I be missing out on living the life that I have dreamed of?


In closing, don’t merely tie resolutions to a time of year. Start that process of  change anytime when you know a new outcome is needed, and you are committed to taking your resolutions into goals and finally into a reality. Learning to set and achieve goals is a great habit transformer, that few truly master in their lifetimes. Achieve what you want this year, and every year, by deciding to shift habit patterns and gain success in areas  that truly matter to YOU.

Advanced Mentoring Workshop

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Using Experience As A Source of Learning And Development

The Program is outlined as follows:

Advanced Mentoring Workshop

Everything that happens to you is your Teacher. The secret is to sit at the feet of your own life and be taught by it.

~ Gandhi

As organizations and businesses grow, their need for qualified Mentors grows, as does their need to develop the next generation of Mentors.

But that’s easier said than done, right?

What we see happening in many organizations and businesses is that they end up promoting people who are great at their current job but are unable to mentor others. The trouble then becomes attracting or developing top talented Mentors, which can cause an organization or company to end up with people that show gaps in mentorship abilities or other soft skills.

What is needed is clarity around, and a plan for, mentorship and leadership development. This starts with individuals.

Are you an individual wanting to step up to the call?

The Mentoring Workshop Can Help

-- This is How:

· In this 24-month training, you will get steps for, and guidance in, creating a Mentorship Development Pipeline

· When implementing these steps, you’ll be part of a group culture focused on growth and competence

· The Program’s success comes from an active process of small steps and “Fly efforts

· The Mentoring Workshop provides a continuously supportive environment for every step along the way

· With this mentoring training program, you will grow in assuredness and have more self-awareness

Organizations grow through well trained, knowledgeable, and talented Mentors.

· Make a commitment to take your place alongside this select group of individuals – representing mentorship at its best

Be a Part of the Mentors’ Pipeline Next program set for 2024

More information to follow later this year 2023