Thoughts To Begin the New Year - By Calvin Harris H. W., M.

A few ideas as we move into 2023


Here we are in January, as yet another year has come to an end.


Many of you have a special association with the Holiday season. Some with huge Christmas parties.  Others may have put extra pressure on themselves to hit their targets and engagements for a full social calendar that spans November through December.


There were those of you who were maneuvering around relationship issues for the holiday season, a time that seems to elicit family drama.


Yet with the ringing of bells and blowing of horns at midnight, we heralded in a new year on January 1.


We find Living seems to slow down after the 1st, all of a sudden calmer, and you a bit more mindful. Life seems to move at a different pace, you may have even taken a conscious different approach to how you will live the day, the year, or the rest of your life. Maybe between the meals and partying of the last months, you had come to some conclusions as to how you would close out the year and how you would begin this new one. Now that things have slowed, you may feel it’s time to prep plans or at least focus on your plans for the upcoming year.  


Yes, it is that time again to take a breath, to look around your world, or maybe even recline with some of those personal reflections on how the year went. You may want to track to see if your end game is still in sight, or has your goal line been moved up, or to see what could have slowed you down or stopped you from reaching your end goal  before the clock ran out.


Kudos for those who had taken to heart and done the mid-year “checkup” recommended July 2022,  because you may be a bit ahead of the game (See the July 26, 2022 -Time For The Half Time Huddle blog in ).


So, to be clear, I am not talking about making new year’s resolutions, but I am talking about planning the year ahead; I’m talking about potential changes in how you’d handle your personal life, business, or career life moving forward.


While we are looking forward to a new year, let us always be in the Now. We also want to be cognizant to Live each moment of our lives with self-compassion which will help us live each day fully present and focused on enjoying life. If you are not enjoying life, then that is a must to incorporate into your life plan.


This is to say  that we want to be balanced in our life, not only to stay practical ( yes, we still have to pay our bills, and still have responsibilities towards others), But to remember in your new year plan, to incorporate ‘enriching your life’, as if it was a survival mask that you put on first, to be able to carry out that feat for others.


Journaling is a good resource for focus about your goals, challenges, and accomplishments.  No matter where you are in life, if you are not journaling, you want to, for it is a good place to start to turn your life around or keep it on track.


Beginning a Journal in January would be a perfect time to start. Let’s Think about January 1st of each new year as a beginning to a  new start on life.  Then adding to that a journal each year as a way to create a new start with a clean slate. You can hit the reset button and do things differently, if need be. It doesn’t matter if you consider the past year a good or a bad year. Journaling gives you a chance for a better one in the Coming Year.


So, Celebrate or Cry over the past year. But never forget that life moves forward, and you are going to engage with it one way or another. Why not try consciously and doing it on your own terms.


Questions you would want to consider for clarity when writing  your journal are these:

What do you want to focus on in the new year?

What do you want to do for yourself, your relationships, or career, in this new year?

If you have planned out the year, then ask yourself what will you do if things don’t go according to plan? (Remember, it is not wise to think that Every detail  in a Plan will go as planned. Be prepared for setbacks.)


Think - What can I control? An example of this is if you are a writer, then you may say: “I’m going to publish one article a week,  and I will spend one day a week on promoting that article.” This is something You can directly see yourself in control of achieving.


Another example would be if  you were in business for yourself, you can’t control how many people buy your products without  focusing in on your effort and the effectiveness of your skills.  You may want to consider how many people is it possible for you to reach? What steps are you going to take to reach them? How well do you know your product or service, to have someone else want to purchase it?


A year is enough time to make a lot of things happen. One can make a big impact by doing small increments of working toward your goal each day, so that in time, after a few weeks to a few months, you will find you are mastering skills, working on your character, and building relationships that are better than you have ever had before.


In this new year you may find that chasing your dreams, might mean finding out that the time has come when you will have to stop doing what you are doing in the way you were doing it. You need to move it up a notch or have it disengaged from its present form. To do that, you will need to bring self-awareness. This will notify you as to whether to keep at it, or to decide if this is the time to pivot or quit a particular action.


Self-awareness is a skill that can take years to develop, or that can be shortened by working with a Mentor or Coach. When you use Self-awareness combined with Self-Reflection you will see that  Life is full of paradoxes, and like Alice in the Looking Glass, that there is never one relative truth or ‘right’ path. The only path that’s right for you is the path YOU chose, and that may not be the same one that you are on.


Self-reflection is a powerful way to discover your goals, strengths, and weaknesses. It requires space — a chance to quiet the mind and to be still, to take advantage of the options afforded to you.


Now with a focus and thinking about the new year, don’t forget to be in the moment, to make work equal play; To make time for self-reflection and to have self-awareness; and to have a good time engaging and enjoying the company of others. 


And when January 1st comes around in the following year, you wake up with these practices under your belt.  You are ready to make work into play out of your plans and goals; and you are looking forward to conscious success, one small step at a time.

Happy New Year.


Becoming A Successful Entrepreneur by Calvin Harris H.W., M.

Becoming A Successful Entrepreneur


It is often asked by novices what is the one ingredient, tool, rule, key [or you fill in the blank] that will allow me to become a successful entrepreneur?

Sorry to disappoint, but there is no one tool, ingredient, rule, key, or anything else that will allow you to become a successful entrepreneur. For like a good meal, such as a good soup, it takes many ingredients in the right amount, added at the right time, to produce a successful soup; so is it with creating a successful entrepreneur.


Yet like water, found in all soups, to make the broth, there is an essential ingredient that you must have to drive success. That key attribute and operating principle that has been seen time and time again in successful entrepreneur stories; that causes the difference between successful entrepreneurs and those trying to be successful, is the ability to handle uncertainty.

Successful American businesswoman, Marissa Ann Mayer, an information tech executive and co-founder of Sunshine Contact, has a quote that illustrates this idea when she says  “I always did something I was a little not ready to do. I think that’s how you grow. When there’s that moment of ‘Wow, I’m not really sure I can do this,’ and you push through those moments, that’s when you have a breakthrough.”

Another quote I quite like is Tony Robbins,  when he says:

"The quality of your life is in direct proportion to the amount of uncertainty we can comfortably live with."

So, I want you to think, are you an entrepreneur who is wanting to  live without taking a risk?  The tentative result seeker?  🤔


But  here’s the thing…


The challenge in Life is for  you to embrace opportunities in life.  Success is not hoping  that success will come to you a little bit at a time, but you have to decide to take action to go for it.


Ask yourself if you have the aspirations of starting a new business in 2023?


Are you wanting to reignite  passion, excitement, and joy into your existing business to make it a success in 2023?


Then Do It! 


If you would like to talk over or flush out your plans with someone, contact me, and let’s talk.


From my heart to yours,



Time For The Half Time Huddle by Calvin Harris H. W., M.

Aloha, Calvin here,

This past January of 2022, like every 365 days of the Gregorian calendar, I have reset and begun goals,  projects, and directions for the coming year, as I have done every January.  

Yet what I don’t always get around to doing, but I am more focused on of late,  is the mid-point of the year, which is in the month of July.  Around the 182nd  day of the year is the time I Look Back,  to slow myself down,  maybe even to stop, to recalibrate and gauge where I am, look around at my goals, projects, and directions, to see what has changed or is in a different form than when the year began? 

Athlete Ezekiel Elliott Photographed by Kwaku Alston

I need to take a breath, to look around my world, maybe even recline with some personal reflections. Is my end game still in sight, or has the goal line been moved,  or been tackled by unforeseen forces; what other maneuvers could be slowing me down or stopping me from reaching my end goal  before the clock runs down.

I might want to look at those additional projects that I’ve taken on, or re-examine my response to the positions of responsibility that I find myself in.

This mid-year huddle allows me to regroup, redirect and recenter myself as a scrum for my game plays ahead.


What is needed is the huddle before the scrum, which is the time of assessment and focus.  Thus, I’ve come up with a reevaluation of work and play habits, a retooling of  knowledge, skills and techniques that will enable me to move with a more efficient effective flow for my days and weeks ahead.


I still feel, if only rarely, guilty about taking a midyear huddle.  Something feels like a twinge, when I begin the slow down or mid- year stop. This feeling is brought on by what seems to be less work getting done, as the shift in routine occurs. It can feel as if  I’ve taken my eyes off the ball, thus I must not be working hard enough, even though research and re-evaluation is arduous in itself. This slowdown may seem to be  jeopardizing the goal.


I bring this up, for this is a state of awareness  you may need to be aware of; some call it a state of workaholism. This means the purpose of  why you are doing what you are doing, is lost for the sake of just doing. You need to be aware of the drivers of this state of mind; The illusion of being busy, or for  Praise,  Status, Money (aka your Beast).  What follows then is the Guilt when you are not continually feeding the beasts. The beasts can have a way of taking over your life, when there is no reflection, evaluation and course corrections.  When there is no change of view or alignment, then life is lived out of  balance.


It is a curse of some over-achievers, when they are feeling guilt and shame, because every day they aren’t just killing it – working to smash career goals or earning money.

I have had to look at that reaction within myself to see where that comes from, to reconcile myself to a more focused and balanced practice, rather than trying to keep things in perpetual motion. Through strategic thinking,  I’ve come to conclude that maintaining a Life/Health Balance takes a different focus.

Ask yourself — “Do I feel anxious or guilty when I am not working 12 hour days (being in motion) towards what I think are the job goals?

If your answer is “yes” multiple times in multiple situations, then it’s an early warning sign.

The unexpected breakthrough and release from this dilemma can be through time  spent in reflection of what is the motivation  of  your true goals and desires.  Maybe a  shift in consciousness and vernacular is what is needed. Can what you are doing under the word “work”, be changed to the word “play”? 

Stock photo soccer teammates

What are the things that happen when you play?  Can you  immerse your awareness in a shift from considering “work” only to a  “work/play”  balance. This allows for laughter, friends, fun, and humor.

Review the situations to make them fun in their discovery.

 You may want to try adding the words Play and Fun to your  vocabulary and daily use. Be warned,  the first few times you do it, because you haven’t scheduled it before, could mean you feel guilt or shame because you are not working.


In time, this  obsession will subside because of the new concepts you will come up with about “Play.” It could  become the antidote  for  burnout and anxiety.

You may create a new Vocabulary with  “play” at the center of it.  This allows you to stop taking life so seriously. You may even  announce that your work-colleagues or your friends, are now referred to as your “playmates to success”.

Each of us is responsible for our own life, the expectations we give ourselves and justifications for our workload. It’s our duty that we evaluate, conclude, and move toward an alignment with our authentic self.

The basic idea is that your success and what you want out of your job and career will change over time in direct proportion to your  alignment with truth, and the humor that happens along the way to discovering your authentic self.

I like the words of Christian Morgenstern when he said — “Humor is the contemplation of the finite from the point of view of the infinite.”

See you on the playground




Are You In The Moment by Calvin Harris H.W.,M.

Family gatherings and The Holiday Season seem to have us exhibit higher Tensions and stress levels. Emotions can flair.

Know that emotions are reactions to what may have happened to you rather than what is happening to you.  What you want to ask is “Are you letting emotions control your life?”

What comes next makes all the difference in your world. What comes next is your decision on your actions. Making decisions or taking action based on your emotions can result in a life driven by habits of reactions to circumstances rather than what’s possible...

What’s really possible for you, has infinite possibilities, available when you can stop, rethink and then listen to your intuition, or what I call The Unpredictable Good.

The unpredictable good comes to you when you can disassociate from past behaviors and emotions, and be focused on the present moment.

Allowing your greatest possibility to unfold effortlessly. IF you listen to and follow your intuition, rather than the emotions that come and go.

Understanding and learning to harness your feelings are the first steps on the journey to self-actualization. They are some of the keys to emotional intelligence.

Finally, understanding your ability to Feel, Rethink, and Apply Intuition is your birthright,  coming from who you indeed are, Consciousness, and your ability  to experience a more harmonious life, effortlessly in tune in the moment.

Contact me, when you are ready to journey towards your attuned life.

Take a small step...  Calvin Harris H.W.,M.

Thank You




We’d like to take this opportunity to wish you and your family a happy and Prosperous Year to come!


We’d also like to express our gratitude to you for being such an outstanding supporter of and our blogs. We genuinely appreciate your readership, loyalty & Friendship.


In the coming year, we will keep you posted

With events, podcast, and blog post, that we hope

Will Energize, Vitalize, and Empower You


Season’s Greetings

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Advanced Mentoring Workshop

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Using Experience As A Source of Learning And Development

The Program is outlined as follows:

Advanced Mentoring Workshop

Everything that happens to you is your Teacher. The secret is to sit at the feet of your own life and be taught by it.

~ Gandhi

As organizations and businesses grow, their need for qualified Mentors grows, as does their need to develop the next generation of Mentors.

But that’s easier said than done, right?

What we see happening in many organizations and businesses is that they end up promoting people who are great at their current job but are unable to mentor others. The trouble then becomes attracting or developing top talented Mentors, which can cause an organization or company to end up with people that show gaps in mentorship abilities or other soft skills.

What is needed is clarity around, and a plan for, mentorship and leadership development. This starts with individuals.

Are you an individual wanting to step up to the call?

The Mentoring Workshop Can Help

-- This is How:

· In this 24-month training, you will get steps for, and guidance in, creating a Mentorship Development Pipeline

· When implementing these steps, you’ll be part of a group culture focused on growth and competence

· The Program’s success comes from an active process of small steps and “Fly efforts

· The Mentoring Workshop provides a continuously supportive environment for every step along the way

· With this mentoring training program, you will grow in assuredness and have more self-awareness

Organizations grow through well trained, knowledgeable, and talented Mentors.

· Make a commitment to take your place alongside this select group of individuals – representing mentorship at its best

Be a Part of the Mentors’ Pipeline Next program set for 2024

More information to follow later this year 2023

Moving From ReActive To PROActive by Calvin Harris, H. W., M.


Your desires are not random. They are the map your feet should follow. Your passion isn't just a one-night stand with fate, it’s your most serious love affair with life. Your hardest, most rewarding mission on this planet is to find your story, trust yourself and tell it. - Andrea Balt


Knowing what’s behind your desires and actions, and then making that your priority will move you from being reactive to proactive.

Three questions can help you determine your highest priorities, says author Tim Elmore in his book  Marching Off the Map:

1)   In my desired role what is required of me?

Being consistent in your tasks and objectives, you will become aware of and identify essential functions of  your role needed for your success (note to self, these items must be the essential challenges needed to get you moving and to get things done as a necessary part of your success.


2)   What produces the greatest results when I do it?

Make a list of the activities that you do well and  that bears you the most result (These activities other people will agree that you well). These activities are possibly what you can commit to even under great periods of stress or ups and downs in your life, and are things that you may feel you are here to do, call it your purpose.



3)   What is most fulfilling when I do it?

In what is uncovered through  reflections and observations will show areas of your actions that are consistently done. It will uncover attitudes or actions you commit to either consciously or unconsciously, those essential task and activities that brings about where you find fulfilment.  It is through  your research and observation  on your  actions, projects, and tasks,  that clarity will be found in what you value and what is really deeply satisfying to you. (and that might surprise you) Those task or activities that you love so much, that you would do them even if you weren’t being  paid for it.

I was once considered and at times still am reactive. Thus I turned myself into my own personal project so rather than labelling myself as reactive I am now a proactive work-in-progress.

Now I can do actions that are conscious in their focused on my personal journey of development. I can utilize the vision of a happier, more self-directed mode of action to lead me to a more confident future and use it as the fuel to constantly step out of my comfort zone.

As I have grown more and more into my role as a mentor, I realize the practices and processes I learned and have used to transform my own life could be Highly Valuable to others.

·       To Let Go of personal stories and reactive activities that  keeps one stuck.

·       Knowing what’s behind desires and actions, allows one to KNOW the real you.

·       To SHOW or expose yourself to the world as more than competent but meaningful.


·       to GROW, continuously, into a powerful yet peaceful vision of yourself.

The truth is, you don’t need to learn how to be you. Instead you need to UNLEARN the habits that are preventing your natural ability to proactively BE You.


If you want to explore this further email me at, and lets arrange a chat.

Make A Referral

Referral Program

Do you know someone who you think might benefit from my services? Let me know and I will get in touch with them!

I don’t believe in strong arm sales techniques or pushy salespeople, but I do love talking life strategies, and working with people who genuinely want and are willing to do what it takes to make life changes.

Contact me to see if we can collaborate -

Our success won’t just happen. It is the result of a strong commitment to our relationship and with your goals.

I'd like to also thank those of you, who have taken your time to refer to me, someone you know who you felt these services can benefit.   I value your trust and appreciate your confidence.
