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The Masculine Heart by Paul Cropper

The Masculine Heart

Needs to speak.

The masculine heart.


The Masculine heart. Is not what you think.

What is the masculine heart?

It is the core of masculinity.  It is the emotional core of every man.

It is there in every man... deep.

The masculine heart has wisdom, has wildness, has pain, and peace.

The masculine heart has compassion, has connection, intuition & strength.

There is no full masculinity without the masculine heart.

We talk about a "feminine" side that men need to tap into... of course there is beauty in the feminine. 

But a man must tap into his own masculine heart, to find his core.

The masculine heart creates happiness, creates fulfillment, creates joy.

There is incredible power deep in the heart of every man. Power for beauty, power for creating a life and world worth living in.

The world needs the depth and full strength of the masculine heart.

Part of being a human male and healthy...

is allowing the masculine heart to speak and be heard.

The masculine heart.

Is a new way of being.

The masculine heart.

Is NOT what you THINK.

The masculine heart is power and presence untapped in every man.

The first step to understanding the masculine heart...

is descending from the mind, to the heart.

You may know your heart.

Now get to know it better.

The masculine heart.

Is just a muscle, like any muscle.

It needs work, it needs strengthening

This is just a workout for the heart. There is no workout or muscle more important for a deeply fulfilled life of passion and purpose.

Give it a try. Get to know the masculine heart a little better. A little more.

Peace. Love. Purpose. Strength. Can be deeply rooted in the masculine heart. And it takes work.