
Success: A Matter Of Perspective by Calvin Harris H.W., M

After four decades in Life Coaching and Personal Development training, I’ve discovered a person’s propensity for success or failure can be measured with 90% accuracy by looking for just three things in their conversations.

Those are Self Sabotage; Self Doubt;  Self Image.

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In other words, how they see themselves in their world.

During my years in Self Development Training, I have seen how All of us see the world differently, and how that can change over one’s lifetime, and the importance of being able to pick yourself up when you fall down, to regroup and move forward. Sometimes help is needed.


I’ve seen with the help of life coaches, that people can get to the place where the world is abundant with opportunity for self-fulfillment, rather than struggle and heartbreak. Most importantly, to get to that place of deep connection within oneself.


It is most important to get to that deep connection, which is how we will interpret, and how we will see ourselves and our world. This ability to change one’s mind is what life coaching is about. Because it is the mindset change that has the most impact on one’s being.


You can develop the courage and self-belief to move past struggle, disappointment, and heartbreak.

This is not done through shortcut methods, that will promise to handle these limiting behaviors once and for all and within the shortest time. It is through a willingness to give yourself a gift of time and play, not a concept of work to achieve your aims,  but instead a mindset of play to discover and achieve results.

 What you need is to gain the PRINCIPLES  of self-transformation and the coaching that brings into accountability those actions that top-performers use.

 This Play, a rethink form of training, focuses exactly on the principles that have helped me and have gone on to help my personal clients and students discover how they could level up and achieve the unexpected life that they could create for themselves, that goes beyond what they set out to create, without a sense of drudgery.


If this piques your interest, as a possible path, to create freedom from limitations and build a thriving and impactful life for yourself, then contact me at the email below.


Three Simple Tips to Feel Self-directed and Accomplished

James Ronald Ryun is an American track and field athlete who reminds us that “Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going.”

Stephen Covey recommends you decide what your highest priorities are and have the courage – Pleasantly, smilingly, non-apologetically – to say ‘no’ to other things ... And the way to do that is by having a bigger ‘yes’ for your higher priorities burning inside.”

Here are 3 simple tips for feeling accomplished and on track.

1.)    Start Small

A tiny habit is easier to stick to — Pick something, a project, a workout, etc. Your goal is to make it effortless and encompasses your priorities!  This habit should take you little time to do. say no more than 10 -30 minutes a day,

that first week, aim to complete this goal just three times, in the first week, then increase that number once your habit feels natural.

2.)   When to do it

If you have a habit already in place then hitchhike off that habit, having a habit that is already second nature, will be a good time to transition into scheduling a new habit right after. An example is to add a new habit right after eating breakfast or just after a physical workout. Think about your day and vacant time slots, when can you spare a moment to insert a new habit? Pairing new habits with an existing habit can help make it seamless.

3.)  Practice makes perfect

You’ll probably need a few nudges before your new habit becomes second nature. That's why subscribers can jot a note to me under the heading Habit Building Reminders and I will send an email alert on the day of the week, you request it.

The more regularly you practice, the more quickly Habits will become just another part of your life.

“If you do not pour water on your plant, what will happen? It slowly withers and dies. Our habits will also slowly wither and die away if we do not give them an opportunity to manifest. You need not fight to stop a habit. Just don’t give it an opportunity to repeat itself.” – Yogi Swami Satchidananda.

So to recap feeling self-directed and accomplished, turn priorities into a manageable habit - Starts small – Pair it with something you are already doing - Be consistent.  Now that you know the secret, begin your habit setting journey now, and jot me a line now and again about how you are doing.
