About Calvin

Calvin in Laguna Beach, Ca

In the 1980s, Calvin created and taught a class titled “Grooming Dynamics” in which he introduced a holistic self-integration process for self-image and power for the average man or woman. His clients were people wanting to move into their undiscovered tomorrow and to discover the magic in the method.

Calvin with friends in Palms Springs, Ca,

Today, Calvin is engaged in Life Coaching and Mentoring for those interested in creating for themselves a more optimal lifestyle. He creates personalized packages, allowing students to have more access to their skills and talents, to get beyond conflicts and to redefine their world - To discover their bit of magic, from the Truth found within the methods. 

Calvin is one who has surrounded himself with a richly textured community of contradictory and diverse individuals

Calvin with Sonja in Palm Springs, CA.

Calvin with Sonja in Palm Springs, CA.


In Class Session Huntington Beach, CA.

In Class Session Huntington Beach, CA.

Calvin has taught live classes, seminars, and workshops in Arizona, California, Michigan, Oregon, and Washington states. 

Mariana and Calvin in Laguna Beach, Ca

Mariana and Calvin in Laguna Beach, Ca

One on One session Long Beach, CA

One on One session Long Beach, CA

Calvin, Students - Cheryl & Tom Seattle, Wa.

Calvin, Students - Cheryl & Tom Seattle, Wa.

Calvin in Berlin Germany with Jens Nowak

Calvin in Berlin Germany with Jens Nowak

Calvin doing Workshop with Students in Ann Arbor, MI

Calvin doing Workshop with Students in Ann Arbor, MI

Calvin at the Brothers of the Desert Summit Palm Springs

 He engages in community and group dynamics projects in the U.S. and globally.  

Calvin at Conference Long Beach, Ca.

Calvin at Conference Long Beach, Ca.

Calvin has long been an ardent student and adventurer into the reality behind the myths and misunderstandings of personal histories. He studied for over 20 years as one of the personal students of the renowned Master Teacher, Thane of Hawaii - in Thane’s Fourth Way Mystery School, called The Prosperos. Calvin is known to teach The Prosperos' Master Classes - Translation and Releasing the Hidden Splendour.

For more information contact Calvin.